A demake of Ikaruga's first stage, made for the Demake Jam 2018. My third TIC80 game as well!

 In Ticaruga you are the pilot of the Ticaruga ship, which is capable of changing it's polarity (its color) between black and white. The game twist comes in the fact that only bullets of the opposite color as your ship will cause damage to you: so, for instance, while on the White polarity only black bullets will destroy your ship, and vice versa for the Black polarity and white bullets.


  • Arrow keys: move;
  • Z: Shoot;
  • X: Change polarity.


  • Engine: TIC80;
  • Code editor: Sublime Text 3;
  • Music/Sound: TIC80's tracker;
  • Sprites and tilemaps: Aseprite.

I (Delta-key) did the coding and the tracking, and Sklaiser made those great sprites.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ticaruga_linux 2 MB
ticaruga_windows.exe 3.6 MB


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I've wanted to see a demake of this game for a long time. Nice job! This first stage is *much* harder than the original, though, and I know at least one reason why: Those circle "popcorn" enemies should die with one hit, but they take a lot more hits to kill here and thus the player has to dodge the remaining ones as they move down the screen.

This is cool, nice work. It's way harder than the original, though! Why do you think that is?



The enemies still deal harm no matter what.


Cool game, rather hard for me, still I enjoyed playing it. Graphics and music are perfectly fit in the game. Additional kudos for providing comments in code =D


 Thanks kostik, glad that you liked! We also had a hard time while playtesting hahaha

 My buddy Sklaiser did a great job on the graphics, but I thought the music ended up a bit rough, at least comparing to the original: so, it's great to hear that it fitted well! About the comments, by the end of the coding, I realized the code was really a big mess, so I had to leave some comments warning anyone that tried to read it hahaha once again, thanks :)


This is a great game.  The sprites are great the music is awesome.  The concept is pretty cool too.  I've never been great at these types of games but I enjoyed playing it a lot.

Thanks a lot for your comment, glad you liked it! We thought that the amount of bullets and enemies might scare some players away, but it's great to see that even if you aren't that great at playing shmups, you still enjoyed playing. Again, thanks!