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really fun


this is very fun!!!! i love bird on bird violence


que es esto aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



me better


I think I loved this game too much! I can definitely recommend this. I didn't run into any issues beyond some of the pigeons when defeated, still stayed standing. But I'll chalk that up to their fortitude. 

If anyone is interested in watching the gameplay, it's the first game in the video above. I did set as a separate chapter, so you can definitely jump right in and join in the god ascendance of Sparkles the pigeon. But go ahead and play it. It's pretty darn good. And it's pretty cute. 

This game was adorable and really fun!


*Continues vibing another 4 hours to the music*


Love this game! So cute!! <3 Well done! 
This would be an awesome mobile game

(1 edit) (+1)

Really Fun Silly game, I very quickly gave up on trying to win and became obsessed with trying to trying to get different evolutions. Just a fun silly game that makes you want to play it over and over to see the different possibility's 


Fun games


Good game, but add more its fast to finish....


After having played through this game a few times in the past couple of times, I can say that it's silliness grew on me.

The whole evolving system worked really nicely (I was able to get most of the pigeon evolutions throughout my playthroughs), and the leveling never felt as if you were wasting points (except for two situations I'll address in a second). All the items served their purpose whether they were (seemingly) purely cosmetic or giving you temporary boosts to stats

At least for the current build of the game, I didn't run into any glitches; my pigeons always evolved unless I was spacing my stat points evenly, and I never ran into any issues with fights softlocking themselves. The two main gripes I had with the game were:

1. Speed felt extremely underwhelming as a stat. During battle, even getting attacked will cause your opponent to take damage, so building Attack and Defense ended up being better because you could either run through your opponent in a few hits or tank enough that they knocked themselves out
2. (And this one is more of a minor detail thing) Are the high level items supposed to be purely cosmetic? By the time I got them, I couldn't tell if they were doing much except making my pigeons look awesome

(Here's my first playthrough of it; I've since beaten the game with all unlocks)


10/10 but if your birdo isnt evolving reload the game the next time you start a run 


Thanks for the great game. I decided to use the game as an example for packaging Godot games on Fedora. The game will available in Fedora 35 repositories soon. I hope you don't mind. Have you considered adding achievements? I created an open source game achievement system called Gamerzilla. It can be used to store results online for friends to see kinda like Steam/PS4/Xbox.

 Wow, that's awesome! Thanks for selecting Pigeon Ascent! Feel free to use it, no problems.

 Also, looking at gamerzilla right now, it does seem interesting, specially considering that the we got a bunch of older games that would get along well with achievements. The possibility of allowing friends to see them is quite welcome as well.

 I'll look into it for a future update of Pigeon Ascent, thanks for pointing it out! Also, in case we update this game, will the Fedora repos be updated as well?

It won't update automatically. I plan to update the package in Fedora if you update the game.


Sometimes the game softlocks itself, and you have to restart and lose all of your progress.

 Hey, just noticed you have a good amount of speed. This gives me an idea on how to fix this problem... anyway, thanks for playing 🙂

there are times when pigeons don't attack and stay put and I have to reboot, but if I reboot I lose my pigeon :(
I love the game but with the bugs it is unplayable

 Sorry about this bug, it has been haunting me forever now 🤦‍♂️ but I noticed some unexpected behaviors in the code, and fixed the softlock.

 Thanks for playing! It would be nice in case you replayed the game and hopefully find no problems now hahaha

Hi, I played the game again, thank you very much for correcting that error, I was finally able to complete the game :)

Damn, finally hahahaha this problem really existed for a very long time, great to see it's fixed (or at least it seems so for now)!

 Thanks for playing again also! It's great to know you enjoyed playing it 👍


nice game


my pigeon always evolves into this :/

(3 edits) (+1)

If you're still interested, try to focus on only one stat.
I think you keep getting that evolution because either two or all of your stats have the same amount of points.



 Yeah, that's it! 👍 Someday that might change, but so far having no focus on a single stat ends up evolving your pigeon into the platy.


this game is so annoying it keeps breaking you said you would fix it 2 months ago this game is bad now

 Hey, sorry if you found some bugs, I try to fix most of them but one or another keep coming back, sadly.

 Still, from time to time we're still updating this game, including some new features and bug fixes too. Some days ago, for instance, I released an update that makes the battles a lot smoother. So, yeah, it isn't great to know that you found Pigeon Ascent annoying and buggy, but that's still feedback, so thanks for trying to play it!


This game is awesome !! :D


I love this game! Good job!

Heyyyy, thanks for the support! Glad you enjoyed it!


ur welcome!


Really fun game, I just wish I could actually finish a run but the bugs always get in the way. The pigeons always switch places and it softlocks but if that gets fixed I'm definitely finishing this game.

Sorry about the glitches 😅 I could swear that on every release the bugs where fixed, but they keep coming back... anyway, thanks for playing, it's great to know that you enjoyed it!


This game is very fun. Reminds me of swords and sandals for some reason lol. Love the aesthetics and overall art style. The music was also bopping. Loved it overall and can't wait to see more games from you!




Sheesh Best Game Ive Ever Played


Acabei de descobrir que vocês são Brasileiros, meu deus, que perfeição!

A arte é muito bem feita, serio mesmo, que coisa linda, a animação de evolução ficou massa d+, parabéns aos artistas

Eu joguei algumas (varias) vezes e não encontrei nenhum bug, parabéns aos programadores 

Os tipos e nomes de pombo foram geniais, não sei quem teve a ideia, mas eu te amo

Obrigado pelo ótimo jogo! A única coisa ruim é que é curto 


 Yooooooooooooo, isso aí! Eu e o Sucraiso somos br, acertou 👍

 O Sucras é o cara que fez a arte toda, incluindo o design dos pombos que eu lembre, danado ele. Ele não chegou a responder seu comment, mas ele comentou comigo que ficou todo felizão com o feedback. Parece coisa simples, mas realmente faz o nosso dia saber que gostaram do jogo, sabe? 

 Sobre os bugs, ainda tem um ou outro acredito... mas ótimo saber que você encontrou nenhum! 

 E pra fechar, a gente que agradece por você ter jogado e curtido tanto o jogo, e ainda parado pra deixar um comentário aqui. Estão nos nossos planos fazer um Pigeon Ascent 2 um dia, e seria um jogo beeeem mais bonitinho e maior, é claro. Não consigo dar uma previsão, mas pessoalmente eu espero que não demoremos pra começar esse sequência! De novo, muito obrigado por jogar!


after my bird evolves I can't do anything


I am pige, the pige is I, we are one, alone are none. Pige.


Getting a consistent bug where enemy pigeons gain back health when hungry when going speed based pigeon.


Thanks for the report! I was able to reproduce this bug right now, I'll upload a fixed version soon 👍




yo I 1 shoted the pigod.

me too



sometimes this happens and i can do nothing to revert it besides reloading the page :v

Huh, I thought I fixed that... Sorry about it, I'll try to fix this again soon. 

Also, thanks for commenting about it!


it only happens when the pigeons are both at 0 food,from what i have seen, idk if it helps you tho
Also why are you thanking me? I should be the one to thank you for making this amazing game


I'm also playing on the browser version, so might be that

 Well, you gave feedback and a nice compliment now, so that's why I'm thanking you hahaha anyway, it's always nice to see people enjoying our games.

 All the info helps as well, I'm going to look into the glitch right now 👍

Hey, I believe I fixed the bug you talked about. At least, I REALLY hope so hahaha


it happend to me to


Are you planning to update the repo on GitHub? I love to tinker with the source code but it seems like it isn't being updated.

I keep forgetting to update it 🤦‍♂️ sorry about that, I'll try to update it this week. When I do it, I'll answer this comment again, to notify you 👍

(1 edit)

Just updated it! I'll try to keep it updated in the future. Thanks for the patience, I hope you have some fun tinkering with the project!




very good game found myself playing for hours


Very fun, although I kept getting stuck in the same situation. I would fight another pigeon and we would both run out of food, thus getting stuck in an endless loop of doing 0 damage. You should probably fix or nerf this somehow as I have had to restart the game several times due to that issue. Other than that, great game!

 Thanks for playing, really happy that you liked it! It is always great to see people liking our games :)

I actually started to work on version 1.5 some time ago, but ended up forgetting it 😅pigeons will start taking damage if they get hungry for too long, which should fix the endless loop. Thanks for remembering me that this bug exists hahaha


amazing. this game is legit


Otimo jogo, precisei de varias tentativas pra derrotar o deus pombo, e curiosamente pra vencer ele eu usei o nick (Killer Gods)

Haaa, bom nome kkkkkkk obrigado por jogar! Ficamos contente que tenha gostado, também :)


I LOVE THIS GAME. but i do find it a bit too easy, are you planning to make an update where there is more enemys?

 Hey, great to know you loved it! We always enjoy getting positive feedback :)

 Right now the plan is to work on a bit more balancing (the defense build seems to be a bit overpowered, and as you said, the game is a bit easy). However, we got some suggestions on including more enemies and evolutions (maybe a total of 15 opponents would be a nice amount, and 3 more evos should also be a nice touch)... so, that's a possibility.

 But to say the truth, I believe it would be more likely that we end up making a sequel, that would have more things here and there, be longer, and more polished! It would be more or less a remake, with some new ideas we had along with time. Sadly, I can't promise anything... right now we are quite without time to work on this, with both work and study eating up our time.

Anyway, feel free to leave your suggestions, they are quite appreciated (really)! And once again, thanks for playing!


Thank you for replying! Nice to know there could be an other amazing game!

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