A game made for Shenanijam 2018.

Control the sand witch Ayera, an apprentice of the dangerous Void Magic, and defeat foes on this veeeeeeeeeery simple game, easy to learn and hard to master, as some people would say.


  • Ayera will move towards your mouse;
  • Press the left mouse button to create a void portal. Beware: the void portal will destroy anything near it, including her!


 Just a simple game I made for Shenanijam 2018, under the theme "Void Sandwich". Does this game qualifies given the theme? Well, I dunno, tell me yourself!

 And of course, feedback is more than welcome!

 Here are the "Achivements" I pursued while making this game:

  • 3) Gameboy - Your game only uses 8-bit soundfx and is in the classic gameboy 4-color green palette.
  • 8) Mozart - Compose your own music.
  • 10) One Punch Man - Your game is controllable with a single input.
  • 12) Tango - Your team size is 2.

Credits and Software used:

Delta-key: Coding, tile sprite, music and sounds.

  • Engine: Godot Engine 3.0;
  • Music: Deflemask (used the GameBoy sound system, of course);
  • Sounds: JXFR and BFXR;
  • Sprites: Used both some Godot trickery and Krita.

Sklaiser: All the other sprites.

  • Sprites: Photoshop.

Finally, you can check the source code here.


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

ayera-w64.zip 10 MB
ayera-w32.zip 8.5 MB
ayera-linux64.tar.gz 11 MB
ayera-linux32.tar.gz 13 MB


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This is fantastic.  My only wish is that the cursor would not be visible so it wouldn't disrupt the look of the game!  I am very into the cyclopean sandwich sprites!

Thanks Maxmoon! Actually I chose to leave the cursor so that the player could see where Ayera is moving to, but adding a custom cursor would do no harm I guess haha


Yes!  A custom cursor would be great!