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(1 edit) (+1)

funny there is literally a board game with the same premise and aesthetic called "The Night Cage" as well

 Yes, it was one of the inspirations!

 In fact, initially I thought the game was going to be too similar to "The Night Cage". But since the jam was kinda short, I ended up using it as a reference just for the navigation part, and the rest of the stuff (like the monsters) I more or less improvised along the way.


Essa forma de geração de mapa me parece meio manipulável demais, é só ficar indo pra frente e pra trás até que o mapa me leve onde eu quero.

Mas eu gostei do aspecto visual do jogo



Concordo com você, do jeito que tá é fácil de abusar. Tenho algumas ideias de como deixar isso menos manipulável no entanto. Problema é criar a coragem pra implementar 😅

(2 edits) (+1)

Creio que daria pra "fixar" cada tile uma vez que revelada, ai caso o jogador se teleportasse para a borda aposta pelas bordas bastaria resetar todos fixados.


Cool.  I like the concept, the level wrapping around was a nice touch, and the visuals are great.  The glowing red (eyes?) were particularly nifty, and at times honestly a bit creepy.  So is it fair to say when you see "The End" it truly is the end?  In other words, can you die?

Hey, glad you enjoyed it!

 No, at least at the moment you can't die. If the monsters catch you, you just go back to the start of the current "floor".

 I thought of just resetting the player's progress if that happened, but it sounded too punitive, even for a game this short.